Sewing a detachable collar: FREE PDF pattern

Sewing a detachable collar: FREE PDF pattern





A collar is an element that can really take a garment to the next level. Let’s create a detachable collar that you can add over any garment, t’shirts, sweaters, jackets… just about anything!

You can download the FREE pattern here

 What you’ll need:

sewing machine

30cm of mid weight fabric (this is a great stash buster!)

30cm of mid weight interfacing


Loop turner or safety pin

PDF pattern


Step 1: Download your free pattern and print on your home printer. Assemble the pattern, matching the guidelines

Step 2: Cut out your pattern and lay on your fabric and cut. Also cut one collar piece in interfacing and iron or stitch this to the under collar piece. The under collar and upper collar are the same.

Step 3: Fold the ruffle piece in half lengthwise right sides together and stitch raw edge on each end. Turn right sides out and press and stitch a gathering stitch (4mm) 6mm from the cut edge.


Step 4: Pull up the bobbin thread to form the gathers. Measure the outer edge of your collar to determine the finished gathered length of the ruffle piece


 Step 5: Take your tie pieces and fold them in half lengthwise, right sides together. Stitch using a 6mm seam allowance, then turn right side out using a loop turner or safety pin. Finish the edge by hand stitching or tying a knot on one end of each tie


 Step 6: Place your underside collar down, right side up. Lay the gathered frill in place matching raw edges, around the lower edge of the collar. Lay the tie ends in place. Lay the upper collar on top, right side down. Pin everything in place.



Step 7: Stitch around the outside using a 10mm seam allowance. Leave a 5cm gap at the centre back neck to turn.

 Step 8: Clip all your curved seams to make turning out easy and smooth. Turn right side out



Step 9: Press and hand stitch opening closed.

Your detachable collar is finished!


You can really get creative with this project with different fabric combinations, or utilise the embroidery function on your  machine to embellish your pieces prior to constructing your collar.

Until next time, Happy sewing

Julia x








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